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20 Gift Ideas for Handmade Boyfriends

1617474409 20 Gift Ideas for Handmade Boyfriends

1617474409 20 Gift Ideas for Handmade Boyfriends

Valentine’s Day, dating anniversary, boyfriend’s birthday and so many other dates are special reasons to present your love with a creative, fun gift that represents the couple’s story well. Of course you can buy something ready-made, but handmade gifts, called DIY (Do It Yourself), are much better.

If you are in need of some ideas to make a gift for your boyfriend, see the ideas we have gathered in this post. They are incredible.

  1. Deck 52 reasons why I like you

Take a game of cards and personalize the cards with photos and phrases that show your love the reasons that made you fall in love with it. Think about your boyfriend’s qualities and even the flaws you love and make your gift fun.

  1. Love Box

This box is simple to make and very cool to give as a gift to your boyfriend. Paste the photos of remarkable moments of your relationship and fill the interior with chocolates or his favorite candies. Take the opportunity to also add some romantic notes.

  1. Free Spin the Love Game

Make a round board and write some challenges or loving games to do together. For example, you can put a “Kiss on the Mouth”, “Massage”, or “A Declaration of Love”. The harder the challenge, the more points it should be worth. Use a pointer in the center to rotate and draw the challenges. Whoever has the most points at the end of 5 rounds wins the game.

  1. Breakfast basket

Surprising the love of your life with a beautiful breakfast basket is always a good gift idea, but instead of buying it ready-made, do it yourself. Choose your boyfriend’s drinks, cookies and other favorite foods and he will notice the affection and work you had to prepare.

  1. Love Basket

Instead of a breakfast basket, how about a basket full of romanticism and ulterior motives? Place some items that could spice up your love night, like a bottle of wine and chocolates.

  1. Box of chocolates and phrases

This box is super cool and creative because it uses the name of the chocolates to complete the sentence. For example, in the part that says “being your girlfriend is a great prestige”. Use your imagination!

  1. Surprise Book

Buy a cheap book in a bookstore and with a very strange title, something he has no idea what it is about. So, when you look at the book it will be embarrassed, but when you open it you will find several cool things, such as chocolates, photos of you, key chains of things he likes, a thumb drive with music or whatever your creativity sends.

  1. Valentine Stickers Album

You can even create an amazing sticker album with pictures of you to complete. The idea is for you to hand over the sealed packets of stickers for him to open one by one and paste.

  1. Super Boyfriend Game

This creative and fun game is made up of several stages. In each of them there are some challenges to be fulfilled by your boyfriend before he can move on to the next ones. Challenges can contain kisses, hugs, massages and anything else you think is cool.

  1. Lamp with Custom Photos

Picture frames are ready-made gifts, but a personalized lampshade is a lot of fun to decorate your boyfriend’s room. You just need to buy the piece, print the photos and paste it on the lamp’s dome.

  1. Photo Lamp

Another cool way to gift your love is by making an amazing lamp like this. It is made with a simple MDF box, flashing lights on the inside, and photos printed on parchment paper. Easy to do and very creative.

  1. Pot of Dreams

The pot of dreams is a very nice gift to be enjoyed by two. Take a glass jar and on colored papers write some dreams that you intend to fulfill together, such as a trip for two, the purchase of an apartment, the wedding, children and so on. They say that when we write, our dreams gain more power.

  1. Planned Meetings

This gift was inspired by the movie “PS I love you”, but of course in a much more joyful way, with things to be done for two. You can schedule simple things, like a picnic, a home cinema, even a trip or tickets to a show.

  1. Love Scratch

The scratch card of love is something simple to do. Print a card, or draw, with hearts and prizes. Encape with contact paper and use ink to cover the prizes. Once dry, just scrape with a coin to reveal the gift.

  1. Box of 5 senses

The sense box can be made to spice up the relationship, with provocative gifts, or with cuter gifts to demonstrate love and affection for your partner. On the palate you can choose drinks or food, for viewing a frame or DVD, for touching massage oils or aftershave kits and so on.

  1. Love Coil

The coil of love can surprise that boyfriend in love with cinema. Merge photos with love phrases and write your story on this coil.

  1. 10 Things I Love About You

This gift is a box of chocolates inspired by the movie “10 Things I Hate About You”. But in case you are going to say the things you love about your boyfriend and wrap the chocolates with those sayings.

  1. Photo Cube

Make magic cubes and paste photos of your special moments. In addition to a nice gift, he will be able to use it as a photo frame that changes all the time, choosing which photo he wants to leave exposed.

  1. Craft Beer Box

If your boyfriend is in love with beers, try to find a different one made by hand and decorate a personalized box to give as a gift.

  1. Wooden candle holder

With small pieces of wood you can make a beautiful set of candle holders with the initials of your names.

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