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30 birthday gift ideas for wife

1622145418 30 birthday gift ideas for wife

1622145418 30 birthday gift ideas for wife

Giving a birthday gift to someone we are not so close to is always difficult, as we don’t know the person’s taste and preferences well. But when it comes to someone very close, like the wife, is this task really easier? Not always. Everything depends on the relationship and mainly on the woman’s personality.

The tip we most like to give here on the blog is how to pay attention to the personal preferences of the person we want to gift. Not always an expensive gift is ideal and the banal cheap. Try to observe what your wife always says she likes or something she says she wants to buy or needs. This will help you a lot. But if you’re in need of some practical ideas, we’ve made a list of 30 cool suggestions. Check out.

  1. Vases or bouquet of flowers

The first tip is simple and very common for those who want to please women. Most like flowers (not all) and it is a gift that tends to please. If your wife likes to take care of flowers, for example, prefer the vases and species that bloom most often during the year.

  1. Jewelry for wives

Jewels are always right, after all, what woman doesn’t like to get a gift that will make her even more beautiful? Choose an earring, necklace or bracelet according to what she most often wears.

  1. Pendants with the name of the children

If your wife is also the mother of your children, she may like to get a chain with a pendant engraved with the names of the children. Another option is to record a phrase, a declaration of love or something along those lines.

  1. Women’s perfumes for the wife

You certainly know your wife’s taste and preferences for perfumes well, so it shouldn’t be too difficult a task. Research the fragrances well so as not to make a wrong choice.

  1. Handbags for wives

Hardly a woman will not like to win a new scholarship. Notice if she is wanting a specific style or model of bag, so, in addition to pleasing her, you will demonstrate that you pay attention to her needs.

  1. Women’s wallets for wives

Another good idea is wallets. There are hundreds of different models, some larger and some smaller, and certainly one of them must have your wife’s face and style.

  1. High-heeled shoes

High heels are not unanimous among women, but the vast majority love them. The scarpins are basic models and that most women like to use (photo below), but here is the tip once again, notice the model and style of shoes (heel size) that she most likes to use.

  1. Comfortable women’s sneakers

If your wife likes to wear a comfortable shoe more, how about giving her a nice sneaker? The tip is the same, notice the style she likes the most and usually uses. Giving something completely different can be quite risky.

  1. Blouses, coats and clothes in general

Clothes are great gifts always and on almost every occasion. For women who are always on the lookout for fashion trends, see something to that effect. Currently, for example, the Prince of Wales-style checkered blazers are super hot.

  1. Women’s wristwatch

For wives who like to wear accessories and are always wearing rings, bracelets, etc., how about a beautiful new wristwatch? If she likes more delicate things, look for models with thinner bracelets, for example.

  1. Female sunglasses

With the arrival of summer you can dare in the gifts that we use a lot this season, like sunglasses. They are like accessories and it is always good to have more than one model.

  1. Frame with family photos

In general, women like gifts that represent and symbolize the family. Choosing the right photos is part of this process and the gift must be delivered complete, ok? Of course there will be no problem changing the photos in the future.

  1. Personalized pillows for wife

Another really cool idea is these cute personalized pillows. Some stores allow you to choose phrases and have photos printed.

  1. A relaxing day at the spa

Having a rest day where the woman will receive beauty care, such as relaxing massages, skin cleansing, hair and nail treatment, is a gift.

  1. Cream and skin care kit

Or you can present it with perfumed creams for daily skin care. Most women will like this gift.

  1. Makeup kit for wives

The most vain women will love getting makeup as a gift. You can bet on a new lipstick color (it never hurts), eyeshadow, eyelash mask, etc. Don’t be ashamed to ask the store salesperson for help. It is even worth showing a picture of your wife at that moment.

  1. Esoteric censers and gifts

This is already a more targeted gift for women who like esoteric subjects. Here censers, crystals, small sources of water and other pieces are worth.

  1. Romantic chocolates box

Few people resist the pleasures of chocolate. On a special date, look for heart-shaped boxes or one that comes with a stuffed animal, some drink or something.

  1. Personalized wife and husband mugs

It’s a very simple gift, but it can be accompanied by a lot of feeling and affection between the couple. Personalized mugs are great gifts and you can even order with a specific phrase or declaration of love.

  1. Lingerie for wife

The anniversary day can also be a time to spice up the couple’s relationship. How about a beautiful new lingerie?

  1. Romantic or family trip

Travel is a super gift. It can be that dream trip, or a simpler weekend tour in a neighboring city. Prepare the details yourself and surprise her.

  1. Breakfast in bed

Even with the short money it is possible to surprise the loved one and make her day more special on her birthday. Wake up early and prepare a super breakfast to take to her.

  1. Romantic or family dinner

You can make a reservation at a special restaurant for you or prepare something at home to surprise her. What counts here is your dedication to getting everything ready for her and, of course, making a surprise.

  1. Bottle of wine and glasses

If your wife is a wine lover and loves the drink, especially for special occasions, buy a good bottle so that they can toast and celebrate her birthdays.

  1. Romantic picnic in the park

Another creative idea that will not cost you much. Think of a park or a beautiful place in your city to have a picnic, fancy the decoration and details, without forgetting the food and drinks, of course.

  1. Books to give to wives

Women who like to read will obviously enjoy getting a new book as a gift. Knowing her taste in literature, you won’t have a hard time finding a good title.

  1. Band CD and DVD collections

If your wife is a fan of any famous band or song, research and try to find special collections and boxes by that particular artist.

  1. Film kit to watch at home

This kit is super creative and cool to give to those people who love watching movies at home. Choose a good DVD or Blu-Ray, buy a bucket of popcorn, popcorn to pop and a drink.

  1. Gift jewelry box

An ideal gift for women who love jewelry and don’t have much to store. There are smaller models and others even larger than the one in the photo. Choose one of the ideal size for her jewelry.

  1. Custom photo lamp

Many stores place orders for custom lighting fixtures. It is a creative gift that will be great for decorating the bedroom or any other environment in the house.

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