Updated on 11/03/2021.
This time of year brings back the classic chocolate egg, the game of leaving the carrots for the bunny and lunch on Sunday with the whole family. So, to make this even more special, we wrote this post for you. How to celebrate Easter: 10 fun ideas! After all, Easter, whether for you and your family a religious date or not, is a great time for that time together with the children.
Good to see our ideas? They are simple, creative and fun. how we like it!
01 – Decorate the table
At Easter, families are often busy preparing that delicious and traditional lunch. So, how about call on the children to prepare this beautiful and creative souvenir for the guests? We saw this idea on the website handmadecharlotte and it’s very easy to do. There’s the whole step by step here. See how it looks beautiful the decorated table with just a napkin, white paper, paint and colored balls. Ah! On the website you will see that they use a ping pong ball cut in half, but for children we suggest that you buy the ready-made eggs. Those of plastic already divided in half.

02 – Easter Pinata
Another option for children to prepare and participate in the party is to make a pinata! We saw this idea on the website studiodiy and we found it so simple and incredible. After all, playing and having fun is a great way to how to celebrate Easter! You can take advantage of the children, invited by Easter, to make the piñata. This is a great way to entertain them. Click here and see the step by step and the necessary materials.
03 – Sun catcher
Patricia Marinho has already published this post here on the website in which she shows how she made a sun catcher with Gabi, his youngest daughter. The idea we saw in the video follows the same steps, but this time with a format of Easter egg. The walkthrough is here, but you can watch the video together with the kids for them create the sun catchers. Thus, it is fun to celebrate Easter.
04 – Easter egg hunt
What child doesn’t love a treasure hunt or an egg hunt ?! One always fun joke and it can be quite easy to do. Even more with our ideas on how to do an Easter egg hunt! Has clue collection and other ideas here for you to create a super egg hunt for kids to have fun.
05 – Blow the rabbit
So, you may be wondering what is this !? Calm! There’s a video showing how to make a glove a rabbit to play with, blowing to see the glove fill. The idea is from the Polish website dzieciakiwdomu and there is always a Google translator to help us. And the video has the whole step by step. Incidentally, a good idea for this prank it is calling on the older children to make the toy and the younger ones play blowing. How about celebrating Easter like that?
06 – Ovinhos with crepe paper and gelatin
If I were you, I would add some eggshells, very clean, to celebrate Easter with these little gelatin eggs which also has a decorated and colored shell. In our video everything is well explained!
07 – Bunnies in socks
If you are going to invite the family to the Easter lunch and receive more children, how about leaving a corner with activities for them? Leaving everything organized and with fun ideas like the ones we suggested in the post, you entertain children and they and adults can have fun. A good idea for the corner is the one we saw on the site thekeeperofthecheerios. In addition to promoting play, you can still enjoy those socks that no longer have the pair. Incidentally, do your socks also disappear at your house? Well, click here to see how to make the pets and organize them!
08 – Disposable dish rabbit
This idea Patricia Marinho published in the post how to make a rabbit mask for children at home. It is another good option for the children’s corner! A simple idea, with materials you have at home.
09 – Rabbit with hands and feet
Look how fun this idea of the site craftriver! Okay, make a little bit of a mess, but think about the beautiful memories that you are creating with children! A different and creative way to celebrate Easter. Another idea to brighten Easter.
10 – Bunny eats eat
Using simple materials that you can have at home, children make this bunny and the carrot he’s going to eat. The idea is of the post thejoysharing and the carrot is created in a way that the child can take and take the rabbit’s mouth.
Did you like our post with ideas to celebrate Easter? Ah! You know idea number 4 with the tip of Easter egg hunt So, click here or on the image to download the collection of clues from Tempojunto to organize the game.