When it comes to preparing for the baby’s arrival, there are many doubts that future mothers face. And one of the first is about what to bring in the maternity bag.
After all, it is necessary to ensure that the mother and baby will have enough clothes, as well as the necessary hygiene and personal care items. But at these times it is not easy to separate and organize everything necessary, so the list of maternity bags is essential.
Below, we have separated the most important products and materials that cannot be missing from your maternity bag. Check out!
Oh and be sure to see until the end of the post, because there is a video with a nurse giving tips on what to bring in the maternity bag for that special moment.
1- Baby clothes
The clothes will depend on whether the baby will be born in summer or in winter. Even in the summer, it is important to try to keep the newborn warm, because his little body is still unable to control body temperature.
The clothes you can take are: 6 body, 6 pisses, 6 overalls, 6 pairs of socks, 2 jackets with buttons on the front and 1 set of clothes to leave the maternity ward.
Don’t forget to include a bag for dirty clothes. Some moms prefer to separate the clothes into bags, with everything needed for each change of clothes.
2- Baby accessories
In addition to the clothes, the baby will also need some accessories in those early days.
The most important ones are: diapers, shawls or blankets, 2 blankets, 1 pack of disposable diapers, 1 hairbrush, 2 diaper towels, liquid glycerin soap (neutral pH), cotton buds, 70% alcohol, cotton balls and ointment for diaper rash.
This list may vary depending on the maternity ward, as some offer some items, such as the bath towel. It is best to check beforehand, so you will know what to bring in the maternity bag.
3- Clothes for mom
After delivery, mom will have to recover, so choose comfortable clothes.
Some options indicated are: 2 or more nightgowns or pajamas with front opening, 1 bathrobe, comfortable panties, socks, bras suitable for breastfeeding, 1 change of clothes for maternity leave and bag for dirty clothes.
Of course, this can vary depending on your preferences.
4- Accessories for mom
In addition to clothes, moms will also need accessories and personal hygiene items.
Some recommendations are: breast pads, personal hygiene products, bath slippers and slippers or slippers for the bedroom, postpartum brace, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, dental floss, deodorant, hair brush and moisturizer.
There are women who do not give up being always put on makeup. This is also possible at the time of delivery. Therefore, you may want to bring your favorite products. But talk to your doctor first.
5- Postpartum absorbent
The postpartum tampon is indicated for all women, regardless of whether they will have a cesarean section or a normal delivery.
There are several models and you can choose the one you feel most comfortable with, such as those with or without handles. Also take some night pads.
Some women prefer to invest in geriatric diapers or disposable panties. They can also help in the early days of heavy bleeding.
6- Clothes for the partner
Moms are entitled to a companion during the hospital period – it can be the baby’s father or another family member or friend.
As this person will be in the room with you, it is important to think about what to bring in the maternity bag for the companion.
Some indicated clothes are: pajamas, underwear or panties, change of clothes for leaving the maternity ward, comfortable shoes and slippers. Also take personal hygiene items, cell phone, charger and some snacks.
7- Documents
When making the list of the maternity bag, do not forget to include the documents.
They are essential to avoid problems during your stay.
The most important ones are: RG and CPF or driver’s license of the mother and companion, health insurance card, doctor’s letter, prenatal card or pregnant woman’s card, authorization of the health plan and last exams done during pregnancy .
8- Provisions regarding the birth certificate
After the baby is born, the father or companion must provide the birth certificate.
Some hospitals rely on the registry office internally, avoiding travel. Check beforehand if there is this option and find out what amounts are charged to issue the certificate.
Also, check the documents you will need to present and, be sure to define the child’s name before delivery.
9- Baby hygiene items
As we said, in addition to the clothes, it is important to bring some accessories and hygiene items for the baby.
For example, liquid soap, shampoo, moisturizer and other care for the first baths.
Just be aware when you go shopping, because the newborn’s skin is very sensitive. Prefer neutral, odorless soaps recommended for children.
10- Other important items
These items we talked about so far are the most indispensable when setting up the maternity bag.
But in addition to them, you will also need others who will help you spend your days in the hospital more peacefully.
Like: cell phone and charger, photo camera, baby comfort, maternity favors, frame for the bedroom door, alcohol gel for visitors, plug adapter, hairdryer, drinks and snacks for visitors etc.
11- Start assembling the maternity bag in advance
There are many items that you will need to organize and in order not to forget what to bring in the maternity bag, do everything in advance.
It is recommended to start preparing the bag about 3 months before delivery.
Pack the bag with the minimum of items and the most essential, just for safety, in case the delivery has to be anticipated.
12- Keep documents in an easily accessible place
Keep documents to take maternity in an easily accessible place | Photograph
In addition to thinking about the maternity bag list, consider organizing it.
After all, you will need to find items easily.
Documents, for example, must be in an easily accessible place, such as in a pocket on the outside of the suitcase or in your wallet.
13- Consider the season when the baby is going to win
Consider the season when the baby will win to assemble the maternity bag | Photograph
When separating baby clothes, think about which season the baby will win.
Remember that the newborn cannot maintain body temperature like we do.
Therefore, if you are going to have a baby in the winter, it is important to include warm clothes. Even in the summer, avoid taking short clothes so as not to leave the baby too exposed, as he is still very sensitive.
14- Wash baby’s clothes before packing
Before you start preparing the maternity bag, wash all the baby’s clothes and accessories with mild soap and no fabric softener.
Wash the clothes carefully and let them dry in the sun.
Avoid smelling soap or fabric softeners as they can cause allergies.
15- Leave the suitcase in an accessible and easy to find location
After making the list of maternity and leaving everything tidy, remember to leave the suitcase in an easily accessible place.
And, of course, communicate to your partner. After all, nothing worse than going into labor and ending up not remembering where you put the suitcase!
Follow a nurse’s tips of what to bring in the maternity bag!
There are a lot of doubts about what to take to maternity, right? Watch the video and ask questions about what to bring to this special moment.
After all these tips, was it easier to think about what to bring in the maternity bag?
Were you interested in this subject? Don’t wait any longer and see our article on Maternity Favors!
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